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Divorce Proceedings

We understand the stress and emotions you may be experiencing when you separate, and the decision to end a marriage or civil partnership is not easy.

Divorce (or dissolution of a civil partnership) is the legal process by which a marriage is ended. This has been simplified by the introduction of two changes in recent years.

The first is that it is no longer necessary to state why the marriage or civil partnership has broken down, previously known as the grounds for divorce. We now simply need to say that the breakdown of the relationship is irretrievable. This is the new ‘no fault’ divorce.

The second is that all applications for a divorce are now carried out using the court’s online system.

One of our experienced family lawyers can take you through the process and advise you on the best approach to take in your own personal circumstances. We offer a first appointment for a fixed fee where we can discuss your case, including the divorce process and the issues that need to be considered, such as those affecting your children and any financial settlement you may be entitled to, providing you with initial advice, both legal and practical, so you can take control of your situation.

For further information or to speak to one of our experts, please get in touch