Proud to be celebrating 170 years in business

Specialist Child Abuse Law Solicitors

If you have suffered abuse in childhood we understand that it can be difficult to talk about what happened. 

When speaking to us it is sometimes the first time that people have told their story, so you can be sure that if you speak to us you will speak in complete confidence, to a specially trained and experienced lawyer who will advise you clearly and sensitively as to your legal rights if you wished to pursue a claim for compensation.  Even if the abuse happened many years ago, it may still be possible to make a claim and we are able to advise you as to whether this is still possible.     

Abuse in childhood can happen in many different settings.  We have many years of experience in pursuing compensation in the following settings:


  • Strictly speaking, where abuse happened in childhood, you have three years after your 18th birthday to make a claim. However recent court cases have made it easier, under certain circumstances, to successfully claim even if the abuse happened many years before. If you speak to us we will be able to advise you as to whether you have good prospects of making a claim.

  • If we are confident that your case has good prospects of succeeding, then we can offer to act for you under a “no win, no fee” agreement. This means that you wont have to pay any upfront charges, and if your case is not successful you won’t have to pay anything. There may be a deduction for a success fee if your case is successful, but we can discuss this with you.

  • There are always occasions where a case goes to court if the parties cannot come to an agreement, but the vast majority of cases settle before this is necessary.

  • You have a legal right, as a survivor of sexual abuse, to anonymity unless you choose to waive that right, so your identity will be protected.

  • It is very difficult at the outset of a case to say how much compensation might be due. Much depends on how the abuse has affected people in their lives since the abuse happened. It is usually the case that we would instruct a psychiatrist to meet you in order to assess the impact the abuse has had upon you and what this means for your case. We would then work with an experienced barrister in order to determine what a court would be likely to award.


Why choose Biscoes?

Our dedicated team has many years experience in seeking justice and financial redress for people who have suffered sexual abuse.  If you, or a loved one, have been affected by this and would like to speak to us in complete confidence about your legal rights then please contact us on 023 9266 0261.

For further information or to speak to one of our experts, please get in touch