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Start-up Visa

The Start-up route is for an individual seeking to establish a business in the UK for the first time.

The individual must have an innovative, viable, and scalable business idea which is supported by an endorsing body approved by the Home Office.

What is an innovative, viable, and scalable business idea?

The applicant has a genuine, original business plan that meets new or existing market needs and/or creates a competitive advantage; and:

The applicant’s business plan is realistic and achievable based on the applicant’s available resources; and:

  • The applicant has, or is actively developing, the necessary skills, knowledge, experience, and market awareness to successfully run the business; and
  • There is evidence of structured planning and of potential for job creation and growth into national markets

Does the applicant need to meet any financial requirements?

If the applicant is applying in the UK and has been living in the UK with permission for 12 months + the applicant will meet the requirement.

If the applicant is applying for entry clearance or living in the UK for less than 12 months, the applicant must have savings of £1,270 and the funds must have been held for 28 days unless the endorsing body confirms they have been awarded the funding.

Does the applicant need to meet the English language requirement?

Yes. B2 Level.

What should the letter from the endorsing body entail?

(a) The name of the endorsing body

(b) The endorsement reference number

(c) The name, telephone number, email, and workplace address of a person at the endorsing body who will verify the contents of the letter to the Home Office if requested

(d) The date of endorsement

(e) The applicant’s name, date of birth, nationality and passport, or other travel document number

(f) A short description of the applicant’s business venture and the main products or services it will provide to its customers

(g) Confirmation that in the view of the endorsing body the applicant’s business is innovative, viable and scalable

(h) Confirmation that the endorsing body is satisfied that the applicant will spend the majority of their working time in the UK on developing their business venture

(i) Confirmation that the endorsing body is satisfied the applicant is either the sole founder of the business or an instrumental member of the founding team

(j) Confirmation that the endorsing body is satisfied that the applicant has created and is relying on their own business plan

A list of endorsing bodies can be found here

Can dependent partners and children join?

A person on the start-up route can bring a dependent partner and dependent children to the UK.

Can this route lead to settlement?

This route is not a route to settlement. A person may be eligible to progress from start-up to the innovator route, which is a route to settlement.

The person wishing to pursue this visa must be awarded a total of 70 points from the table below:

Requirement (mandatory)

Points available

Business is innovative, viable and scalable


The applicant has not previously established a business in the UK


English Language at level B2


Financial requirement


Total number of points required


Contact us:

Please contact our business immigration team today on 02392 660261 or email us on to book in for a consultation or to instruct us in handling your application.


For further information or to speak to one of our experts, please get in touch