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GBM UK Expansion Worker
The UK Expansion Worker route is for overseas workers who are undertaking temporary work assignments in the UK, the worker is a senior manager or specialist employee and is being assigned to the UK to undertake work related to a business’s expansion to the UK.
This route can only be used when the business has not yet begun trading in the UK.
If your partner and dependent children meet the necessary criteria, they may join you in the UK, as well.
This route does not lead to settlement.
To be eligible for the UK Expansion visa route you must;
- have worked for that company at least 12 months before arriving in the UK, unless you were earning more than £73,900 annually or a Japanese citizen working for a Japanese company that is expanding to the UK
- have a valid certificate of sponsorship from your employer
- have a profession that is listed amongst the qualifying professions
- receive the minimum salary that is required for the position-the annual salary must be at least £42,400 or the going rate whichever is higher
- You do not need to meet the English language requirement
The costs for this application are.
- £259 Home Office application fee
- Annual Immigration Health Surcharge, £624 per year
Apart from these fees, you’re typically expected to have at least £1,270 in a personal account (unless you’re exempt).
This route does not lead to settlement.
For further information or to speak to one of our experts, please get in touch