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Resolution, an organisation of family lawyers, will be holding their annual “Good Divorce” week this year from 28 November to 2 December.
Resolution was a high profile organisation key in maintaining the impetus for No Fault Divorces which became law in April of this year. Their focus has always been to promote ways of resolving family disputes in a constructive and non-confrontational way. Members of Resolution have a code of conduct which aims to support families facing change to achieve constructive outcomes.
Courts are often seen as adversarial – both parties setting out their positions and arguing their point of view. This approach often takes the focus away from what should be a priority – family life beyond separation. A large part of what everyone wants is a happy and healthy family life for the future, even if it is a different kind of family life after you separate.
We have all seen reports in recent months that the court system is overburdened and underfunded and there does not seem to be much prospect of this improving. This leads to long waiting times to have a case decided by the courts, whether it is the family’s financial affairs or arrangements for the children. Often when the court makes a decision, it is not one that satisfies both parties.
Parents and divorcing couples should be encouraged to look for an early resolution of their issues to avoid the need for the court to intervene. This is the focus this year for Resolution’s Good Divorce Week: finding ways to end the family court crisis and highlighting the alternative ways to resolve issues, such as mediation, collaborative practice or arbitration.
Having legal advice early in the process can help to understand the available options and the flexible outcomes you can achieve if you want to make your divorce a Good Divorce and your separation work for the whole family.
You can find information about divorce, how to support children during your separation and read about the Resolution Code of Conduct on the Resolution website
If you want to achieve a good outcome without experiencing the confrontation and delays of the court process, contact one of our experienced team of family lawyers at Biscoes on and we can discuss the practical and legal options you have.
Gail Strange
Associate Solicitor – Family Department